
"I just wanted to say a huge thank you for such a wonderful shopping experience! My bag arrived so quickly, and the way it was presented (packaging) was impressive. the whole experience far exceeded those I have had with brands such a Louis Vuitton.

Your Product Looks and feels so high end, and your designs are incredibly beautiful".


"Dear Bethany. I have just received my bag and OMG it is stunning and the presentation and boxing is breath taking. You must be so proud".


"Wow. Just Wow. Beautiful work. These are gorgeous and Caitlin loves them! The scarf is so sick.

Thank you so much Beth!

The packing....Slick!!!"


The Face behind the art

With a background in Fine Art, Bethany is known for her beautifully hand-painted technique that’s transformed into timeless wallpaper and Art.

In the digital age this human touch is appreciated more than ever. But thanks to digital printing, Bethany’s hand painted designs can be captured to the very last detail.

Bethany is inspired by the natural beauty of botanicals, the history of art and culture and colour.